Players > Signed in Cyprus > L.G. Gill
L.G. Gill
PF - 6'8, 210lbs - 29 years old - 0 years of NBA experience
Signed in Cyprus - Signed with Apollon
  • Birthdate: 12/24/1994
  • Drafted (NBA): Undrafted, 2017
  • Pre-draft team: Maryland
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: Tyler Glass (G3)
23rd October, 2017G-LeagueDesignated as a local tryout player by Greensboro Swarm.
22nd October, 2018G-LeagueDesignated as a returning player by Greensboro Swarm.
22nd October, 2018G-LeagueTraded by Greensboro Swarm to Iowa Wolves in exchange for the returning player rights to Terry Whisnant.
Career Moves
2013 - 2016Duquesne (NCAA)
2016 - 2017Maryland (NCAA)
October 2017 - October 2018Greensboro Swarm (G-League)
October 2018 - presentIowa Wolves (G-League)
Articles about L.G. Gill