Players > Signed in China > Malik Newman
Malik Newman
SG - 6'3, 190lbs - 27 years old - 2 years of NBA experience
Signed in China - Signed with Zhejiang Golden Bulls
  • Birthdate: 02/21/1997
  • Drafted (NBA): Undrafted, 2018
  • Pre-draft team: Kansas
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: Adie von Gontard (APAA Sports Group)
1st July, 2018NBA/G-LeagueSigned a two-way contract with L.A. Lakers/South Bay Lakers.
19th July, 2018NBA/G-LeagueL.A. Lakers ended two-way contract.
6th August, 2018NBASigned an unguaranteed one year minimum salary contract with Miami.
6th October, 2018NBAWaived by Miami.
23rd October, 2018G-LeagueDesignated as an allocated player by Sioux Falls Skyforce.
5th January, 2019G-LeagueTraded by Sioux Falls Skyforce to Canton Charge in exchange for Emanuel Terry.
Career Moves
2015 - 2016Mississippi State (NCAA)
2016 - 2018Kansas (NCAA)
July 2018L.A. Lakers (Summer League)
July 2018 - L.A. Lakers (NBA)/South Bay Lakers (G-League)
August 2018 - October 2018Miami Heat (NBA)
October 2018 - January 2019Sioux Falls Skyforce (G-League)
January 2019 - presentCanton Charge (G-League)
Articles about Malik Newman