Players > Free agent > Jeff Coby
Jeff Coby
PF - 6'8, 223lbs - 30 years old - 0 years of NBA experience
Free agent - Signed with CDP
  • Birthdate: 02/04/1994
  • Drafted (NBA): Undrafted, 2017
  • Pre-draft team: Columbia
  • Country: USA/Haiti
  • Hand: Right
  • Agent: Kevin Martin (JCK Sports)
15th August, 2017SpainSigned a one year contract with CB Prat.
31st December, 2017SpainReleased by CB Prat.
25th January, 2018SpainSigned for the remainder of the season with Cambados Cidade.
6th October, 2018NBASigned an unguaranteed one year minimum salary contract with New York.
13th October, 2018NBAWaived by New York.
23rd October, 2018G-LeagueDesignated as an allocated player by Westchester Knicks.
31st October, 2018G-LeagueWaived by Westchester Knicks.
12th February, 2019G-LeagueAcqured by Austin Spurs.
27th February, 2019G-LeagueWaived by Austin Spurs.
24th March, 2019LuxembourgSigned for the remainder of the season with Racing Lux.
Career Moves
2013 - 2017Columbia (NCAA)
August 2017 - December 2017CB Prat (Spain, LEB Gold)
January 2018 - June 2018Cambados (Spain, LEB Silver)
October 2018New York Knicks (NBA)
October 2018Westchester Knicks (G-League)
February 2019Austin Spurs (G-League)
March 2019 - presentRacing Lux (Luxembourg)
Articles about Jeff Coby