Players > Signed in Montenegro > JaCorey Williams
JaCorey Williams
SF/PF - 6'8, 220lbs - 30 years old - 0 years of NBA experience
Signed in Montenegro - Signed with Buducnost
  • Birthdate: 06/12/1994
  • Drafted (NBA): Undrafted, 2017
  • Pre-draft team: Middle Tennessee State
  • Country: USA
  • Hand: Left
  • Agent: Josh Goodwin (Executive Sports Management)
26th September, 2017NBASigned an unguaranteed one year minimum salary contract with Cleveland.
27th September, 2017NBAWaived by Cleveland.
21st October, 2017G-LeagueDesignated as an allocated player by Canton Charge.
22nd March, 2018IsraelSigned for the remainder of the season with Galil Gilboa.
13th September, 2018NBASigned an unguaranteed one year minimum salary contract with Cleveland.
19th September, 2018NBAWaived by Cleveland.
20th October, 2018G-LeagueDesignated as a returning player by Canton Charge.
Career Moves
2012 - 2015Arkansas (NCAA)
2015 - 2017Middle Tennessee State (NCAA)
July 2017Golden State Warriors (Summer League)
September 2017Cleveland Cavaliers (NBA)
October 2017 - March 2018Canton Charge (G-League)
March 2018 - June 2018Galil Gilboa (Israel)
September 2018Cleveland Cavaliers (NBA)
October 2018 - presentCanton Charge (G-League)
Articles about JaCorey Williams