
Salary Bookkeeping, 2013
July 1st, 2013

July 1st is (the date on which one season ends and the next one begins, and thus June 30th (and the week preceding it) is an important cut-off date for certain transactions.

Players with player or early termination options had to decide if they were coming back; the few players with team options awaited an uncertain future; players eligible for QO’s had to see if they got them.

All the results are in now, and there follows a list of who did what before July 1st. NB: free agent statuses taken as of April 22nd 2013.

The following players opted in:

Charlotte = Ben Gordon
Dallas = Shawn Marion
Detroit = Charlie Villanueva
Golden State = Richard Jefferson, Andris Biedrins and Brandon Rush
L.A. Lakers = Metta World Peace
Memphis = Jerryd Bayless
Miami = Ray Allen, James Jones and Rashard Lewis
Philadelphia = Kwame Brown
San Antonio = Patrick Mills and Boris Diaw
Toronto = Aaron Gray and Linas Kleiza
Utah = Marvin Williams
Washington = Trevor Ariza and Emeka Okafor

The following players opted out:

Brooklyn = C.J. Watson
Cleveland = Marreese Speights
Dallas = O.J. Mayo
Denver = Andre Iguodala
Golden State = Carl Landry
Milwaukee = Monta Ellis
Minnesota = Andrei Kirilenko
New York = J.R. Smith

The following players had their 2013/14 team options exercised:

L.A. Lakers = Jodie Meeks
Miami = Mario Chakmers
Milwaukee = Gustavo Ayon
Minnesota = Dante Cunningham

The following players had their team options declined:

Houston = Francisco Garcia
Toronto = John Lucas III

(No one really gives out team options any more. For an explanation as to why, read the opening of this.)

The following players were eligible for a qualifying offer, and got one:

Atlanta = Jeff Teague
Charlotte = Gerald Henderson
Denver = Timofey Mozgov
Indiana = Tyler Hansbrough
L.A. Lakers = Robert Sacre
Milwaukee = Brandon Jennings
Minnesota = Nikola Pekovic
New York = Pablo Prigioni and Chris Copeland
San Antonio = Tiago Splitter and Gary Neal

The following players were eligible for a qualifying offer, but didn’t get one:

Atlanta = Ivan Johnson
Charlotte = Byron Mullens
Cleveland = Omri Casspi, Wayne Ellington and Semih Erden
Dallas = Darren Collison and Roddy Beaubois
Denver = Julyan Stone
Indiana = Ben Hansbrough and Jeff Pendergraph
L.A. Lakers = Darius Morris, Andrew Goudelock and Devin Ebanks
Memphis = Austn Daye and Jon Leuer
Orlando = DeQuan Jones
Philadelphia = Charles Jenkins
Phoenix = Diante Garrett
Portland = Eric Maynor
Sacramento = Toney Douglas and James Johnson
Washington = Garrett Temple

(Under the new CBA, all qualifying offers have to be fully guaranteed. Previously, they only had to be guaranteed for the same percentage amount as the previous year’s salary was. Therefore, fewer qualifying offers are given out now.)

The following players had fully or partially unguaranteed contracts with guarantee dates between the end of the season and today:

Boston: Paul Pierce (only $5 million of $15,333,334 guaranteed if waived on or before June 30th; made the date and became guaranteed) and Terrence Williams (fully unguaranteed if waived on or before June 30th, then $200,000 guaranteed if waived on or before September 1st, then $300,000 guaranteed if waived on or before October 31st, thereafter fully guaranteed; waived yesterday, thus guaranteed nothing.)

Detroit: Viacheslav Kravstov (only $500,000 of $1.5 million guaranteed if waived on or before June 29th; made the date and became guaranteed) and Rodney Stuckey (only $4 million of $8.5 million guaranteed if waived on or before June 30th; made the date and became guaranteed),

Houston: Chandler Parsons (only $600,000 of $926,500 guaranteed if waived on or before June 30th; made the date and became guaranteed), Carlos Delfino ($3 million salary all unguaranteed if waived on or before June 30th; waived yesterday, thus guaranteed nothing) and Aaron Brooks ($2,508,000 salary all unguaranteed if waived on or before June 30th; waived yesterday, thus guaranteed nothing)

L.A. Lakers: Chris Duhon (only $1.5 million of $3,750,000 guaranteed if waived on or before June 30th; waived, thus owed only $1.5 million)

New Orleans: Jason Smith (only $1 million of $2.5 million guaranteed if waived on or before June 30th; made the date and became guaranteed)

New York: James White ($916,099 salary all unguaranteed if waived on or before June 30th; waived yesterday, thus guaranteed nothing)

Orlando: E’Twaun Moore ($884,293 salary all unguaranteed if waived on or before June 30th; made the date and became guaranteed)

Phoenix: Hamed Haddadi (only $200,000 of $1,397,500 guaranteed if waived on or before June 29th; waived, thus owed only $200,000) and Shannon Brown (only $1.75 million of $3.5 million guaranteed if waived at or before midday on June 29th; made the date and became guaranteed)

San Antonio: Matt Bonner (only $1 million of $3,945,000 guaranteed if waived on or before June 29th; made the date and became guaranteed)

Many other players still have unguaranteed salaries with various different guarantee dates, or no guarantee dates at all. See here for a summary.

Posted by at 9:33 AM