Levi Randolph – 2018-19 G-League Player Profile
June 20th, 2019

Levi Randolph
SG – 6’6, 210lbs – Born 3rd October 1992
Canton Charge 
I am glad that Randolph is giving it a go in the G-League before he enters the prime of his career and before it is too late for a call-up, because I really feel he has a chance at one.
Having been in summer league for each of the past four seasons, managing to appear on the rosters of nine different franchise’s summer league teams in that span, Randolph is very much on the radar. Yet after spending his first professional season with the Maine Red Claws, he spent two years in Italy and France, and while he is of course more than entitled to make that money, players don’t get called up from there. They get called up from exactly where he now is, if they put in full seasons of quality work. And that is exactly what he just did.
Randolph is a scoring guard by trade who is slightly undersized for the highest level but makes up for it with good length, speed and athleticism. In his senior season at Alabama back in 2015, he was no less than 75th percentile in every offensive category, and the only one below the 80th percentile mark was the 75th percentile spot-up shooting. This is an incredibly versatile and talented scorer who shoots off screens, who takes it in strong given half a lane, who gets to the rim in transition and semi-transition, and who makes plays for himself and others. Randolph gets to the rim going right and passes off going to his left, with slightly too high of a dribble to play the point guard spot but a player with genuine creativity, energy and skill. He gets buckets, simply, and particularly with weapons and a spaced floor around him.
Defensively, he plays with energy and anticipation, and although he has not elevated himself or demonstrated the versatility on this end that he has offensively, he is not coasting out there either. Give this man some bigs who can score alongside him and see if he doesn’t play his way into call-up contention next year. Or maybe I will just be wrong about him for the fifth consecutive season. I’ll risk it.
– 20th June, 2019
- This above is extracted from the following page in the The Basketball Manifesto, an entirely free 3,775 page, 1.2 million word-ish basketball reference book which contains reviews, strategies, ideas, opinions, and a whole lot of scouting on men’s world basketball.

– View tons more player profiles like this from the Manifesto here.